
Grid View (All)
Grid View (All) displays album cover art for all of your channels. Navigate through the pages by swiping left or right. Tap on an album cover to tune the channel in. Double tap an album cover to zoom in on the channel.

Grid View (Favorites)
Grid View (Favorites) displays album cover art for the channels you've marked as favorites. Navigate through the pages by swiping left or right. Tap on an album cover to tune the channel in. Double tap an album cover to zoom in on the channel.

Note: Switch to List View (Favorites) to edit or rearrange your favorites.

Grid View (Presets)
Grid View (Presets) lets you assign channels to presets like a car radio. Navigate through the pages of presets by swiping left or right. Tap on an album cover to tune the channel in. Double tap an album cover to zoom in on the channel.

To set a preset
  1. Tap on an empty preset.
  2. Select a channel from the list.

Alternatively, press and hold an empty preset button to set it to the current channel.

To replace a preset with the current channel
  1. Press and hold an existing preset.
  2. Choose Replace when prompted.

To remove a preset
  1. Press and hold a non-empty preset.
  2. Choose Remove when prompted.

List View (All)
List View (All) lists all of your channels and the song currently playing on each. Tap on a channel to tune it in. Double tap a channel to zoom in.

To edit a channel
  1. Tap the Action button on the right side of the channel and choose Edit channel.
  2. Make any changes necessary to the channel and tap Save when finished.

See Edit Channel for more information.

To add a favorite
  1. Tap the Action button on the right side of the channel.
  2. Choose Add to favorites.

A favorite icon will be displayed next to the channel name. The channel will be added to the list in List View (Favorites).

To remove a favorite
  1. Tap the Action button on the right side of the channel.
  2. Choose Remove from favorites.

The favorite icon will be removed from the channel. The channel will be removed from the list in List View (Favorites).

To delete a channel
  1. Tap the Action button on the right side of the channel.
  2. Choose Delete channel.
  3. When prompted to verify the channel delete, tap Delete to permanently delete the channel.

Alternatively, swipe left on the channel and tap Delete.

Note: Deleting a channel will remove any favorite or presets set for the channel.

List View (Favorites)
List View (Favorites) displays only the channels that have been marked as a favorite.

To rearrange your favorites
  1. Tap the Edit button in the upper right corner to enter Edit mode.
  2. Arrange the favorites as desired.
  3. Tap the Done button when finished.

To remove a favorite
  1. Tap the Edit button in the upper right corner to enter Edit mode.
  2. Tap the - to the left of the channel.
  3. Tap Remove.
  4. Tap the Done button when finished.

Alternatively, swipe left on the favorite channel and tap Remove.

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